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Thursday, October 17th @ 6:30pm @ Duke's Alehouse (see details below)

FREE Workshop for Parents! Empowering Your Child with Autism ADHD, Anxiety, and Sensory.

Join health expert Dr. Tony Ebel for a workshop at Duke's Alehouse Food and drinks included!


Who Should Attend The Perfect Storm

Parents who have children who have received a diagnosis, such as ASD, ADHD, SPD. Let's identify the root causes of your child’s challenges and symptoms.



Parents who are worried about their child's growth, development, mood, focus, sleep, eating, overall wellness and performance at home and school



Family members who help care for children who are struggling. Build a network of support from those who understand your journey and will help you navigate through the storm 



Parenting a child with neurological challenges can be overwhelming, frustrating, and isolating. Many parents struggle to find a doctor who listens and understands what they’re going through and to find effective solutions that align with their values and beliefs without resorting to medications or therapies that come with unwanted side effects.

That’s where our workshop comes in. Taught by leading expert Dr. Tony Ebel, this workshop will help you uncover the truth about the “Perfect Storm” our children are put through in today’s medical system and toxic, stressful world and empower you with the knowledge, tools, and drug-free strategies to support your child’s unique needs and help them thrive!

Watch this quick video from Dr. Tony


Dear Parents,

What if all of the common neurological challenges our kids are facing today first started brewing many years ago? What if kids don't really "grow out of" colic, constipation, chronic ear infections, and other early childhood challenges like you were told? What if there has been a "Perfect Storm 🌪" brewing with their nervous system ever since they were born 👶 ?

15 years ago Dr. Tony Ebel discovered a missing link to all of these challenges that still today is entirely overlooked and missed by the traditional medical system, and occurs in well over 80% of kids with autism, ADHD, anxiety, sensory processing disorder, and other neurodevelopmental challenges in kids.

In this workshop you'll learn:

  1. Learn how the true root cause of these challenges goes beyond genetics, gut health, motor tone and coordination, diet changes, and detoxes and really resides within the central and autonomic nervous system
  2. Incorporate natural, drug-free approaches to help your child’s nervous system relax, unwind, and get back on track developmentally
  3. Build a network of support and community with other parents and providers who understand your journey and will help you navigate through the storm

If you've tried it all and your child is still in a tough spot, this workshop is for you!

Come have your hope restored, and your questions answered, and get the drug-free 💊 help you've been searching for!

Join Us October 17th @ 6:30 PM!










Is There Hope? We Think So!

Meet Xander

Xander’s journey was filled with struggles—regulation, sensory challenges, sleep issues, and accidents—all affecting his daily life. 😔

For his mom, it was an exhausting and defeating battle. As a social worker and behavior coach turned school administrator, she had tried every strategy imaginable. Yet, nothing seemed to alleviate his struggles, leaving them feeling helpless and questioning their parenting abilities. But they knew in their gut there was something deeper going on.

Then came some long sought after HOPE: Neurologically-focused Chiropractic Care. When they saw his neurological scans 📈 and the way his body was operating internally, it provided validation and an understanding of why he was behaving this way. 💡

As care began, the wins started with small moments, like a calm reaction to spilled water. Mom said, “The first “ah ha,” was when Xander spilled his water on himself. 3 months ago he would have been kicking, screaming, crying that his clothes felt weird, taken his clothes off and refused to go into the chiro, paired with hurtful statements, etc. Instead, he said “momma I spilled my water, but I’m just a little wet, and it’s a small problem”. I cried, driving the rest of the way to PWC because my life did not turn into chaos over spilled water.” 🎉

Now, with continued care, Mom says, “I see joy on my son’s face that I haven’t seen before. I believe much of it has come from physically feeling better but also a sense of pride he’s never had before. Xander used to carry so much shame and embarrassment after he’d have big emotions. Now Xander, for a 5 year old, is managing his emotions just like any other 5 year old. Xander is coming home from school and actually telling me what he’s learned and what he’s doing, when previously he would refuse to talk about school because he didn’t want to share when he got in “trouble”. Xander’s teacher has sent home more positive notes in the last 2 months than she has all year, and we celebrated two perfect weeks at school. We are so proud of his growth, he’s quicker to calm down, quicker to apologize, quicker to self-correct after a mistake.” 💙

Meet Shelby

“𝐈 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐟𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬”

A child shouldn’t have to feel like the weight of the world is on their shoulders, but sometimes life isn’t always an easy start and our kids don’t feel comfortable in their own body’s.

Meet Shelby . Shelby is such a special human being who is one of Dr. Tony’s original perfect storm patients. This amazing young woman had a very difficult start to life- which began with exposure to extreme stress when she was a developing fetus . This was the start of a storm that led to many struggles and challenges down the road .

As she grew up, Shelby had extreme ADHD and focus issues. She couldn’t sit still or stay concentrating on anything which made it beyond difficult to do school . She was so easily overwhelmed by even the smallest things because her brain and body were primed for stress and survival mode- seeing everything as a threat .

Thankfully Shelby was referred to PWC by a behavioral vision specialist. Shelby said she remembered feeling like the weight of the world was on her shoulders and once she started getting adjusted-the weight was finally lifted off . Mom said that throughout the whole process she started noticing “little miracles” happening all the time. She said sometimes even immediately after the adjustments she would see a huge change in Shelby’s ability to calm down and focus (which made mom start to get adjusted too).

Until this very day, (about ten years later) this special lady continues to get adjusted to help her manage stress and be the very best version of herself . The perfect storm is no match for Shelby’s fighting spirit and neurological chiropractic care... it's quite the combo Shelby’s continued wellness care at PWC means we get to see her weekly, and that makes us the lucky ones! We’re all a little obsessed with a good Shelby story around here.

Meet Lydia

Lydia’s daily struggles with anger, focus, and outbursts were starting to really affect her day-to-day life. But those hard days started to fade when they found the type of care that her brain 🧠 and body needed!

Here’s what Mom has to say about Lydia’s journey with Neurologically-Focused Pediatric Chiropractic! 

“Lydia was having a hard time controlling her anger, 😡 dealing with issues when things didn’t go her way, and she couldn’t focus on daily activities. It was very difficult seeing her this way and not being able to help her. 😔

We had already tried different supplements and diet changes but felt like we were getting nowhere…We would ask her to draw or write it down, but nothing seemed to work. We were all very frustrated and sad 😢 we couldn’t help our daughter.

But, as soon as she started getting adjusted by her PX Docs team, we started seeing a big difference in Lydia’s daily behavior and overall personality. 🙌🏻 After just a few visits, we saw many positive changes: Easier transitions, fewer outbursts, and she was sleeping better.” 😴

The specific nervous system calming adjustments that Lydia was getting finally gave her the chance to get out of ‘fight or flight’ stress mode and into a more calm and regulated mode. 🧘🏻‍♀️

And now, with consistent care, mom says: ”Lydia has had more good days than bad. She’s kinder to her sisters, she can focus and complete tasks in a timely manner, and she can communicate with us without throwing fits for hours. She feels better, and we are so grateful!” 💫

Way to go, Lydia!! ❤️

Frequently Asked Questions